When I first co-taught a Biblical Storytelling Class with Minister Cynthia Pollard it became evident that the students were worried about internalizing their biblical text enough to be able to tell it well and do a monologue about it.  In order to calm their nerves and have them be open to the various teaching techniques they would be learning a mantra developed in the class: Trust God, Trust the process!

As class progressed the students became more and more confident as they listened to each other tell their texts and develop monologues and as each telling got better and better.  By the end of the class as each student successfully shared their Biblical Storytelling the class erupted in applause and recited: Trust God, Trust the process!

If I were to give advice to anyone beginning with a coach it would be to trust God and trust the process. Trust: for whatever is going on in your life or ministry, God has led you to consider coaching.  We come with our next step already within us, but often our emotions block us from hearing what it is we are telling ourselves and what God is trying to get us to hear.  Trust your coach to use powerful questions and deep listening to hear what it is you are saying and not saying; what you are hearing and not hearing.  Trust that God will lead through your answers and through your coach to decipher the next steps you need to take.

creek_through_treesRemember when there is a log jam it often just takes one log to begin moving to have all the logs moving safely downstream again.  For whatever brought you to begin to read this blog, trust your instinct, contact me and let’s set up a pro-bono call for you to try it for yourself: Trust God, Trust the process!

God bless,